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  • Wednesday, 18 September 2024
Growing Divisions Undermining Sierra Leone’s Democracy: A Call to Action by Abdul M Fatoma

Growing Divisions Undermining Sierra Leone’s Democracy: A Call to Action by Abdul M Fatoma

In a poignant statement, Abdul M Fatoma, Executive Director of the Campaign for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI), has addressed the deep-seated divisions threatening Sierra Leone’s democracy. Fatoma's remarks highlight the urgency of confronting these divisions, which he believes are undermining the nation’s democratic foundation and social fabric.


Fatoma emphasizes that the country’s divides extend beyond politics, highlighting the stark contrasts between poverty and prosperity across regions and within districts. "Sierra Leone is deeply divided," Fatoma stated. "The country is divided by poverty and prosperity, both between the South and North regions and within the more developed districts at the national level."


His concerns extend to the current state of public discourse, where opponents are often viewed as enemies. This adversarial mindset has led to destructive behaviors, including the burning of public and private properties by those who feel marginalized. "The polarization has become so intense that many people no longer trust anyone with a different perspective," he warned. "This is a fateful danger to democracy."


Fatoma points to the escalating societal tensions, which have morphed into perilous tribalism, posing a significant threat to the country’s democratic framework. He underscores the urgent need to address and bridge these divisions to foster collaboration, sustain democracy, and effectively tackle critical policy issues. "Without addressing and bridging these divisions, it will be exceedingly challenging to foster collaboration, sustain a functioning democracy, and effectively address the country’s critical policy issues," Fatoma concluded.


His statement serves as a call to action for all Sierra Leoneans to work towards unity and mutual understanding to preserve and strengthen the nation’s democratic values. The message is clear: overcoming these divisions is not just a political necessity but a fundamental step towards ensuring the nation’s progress and stability.

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