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  • Friday, 05 July 2024
If You Bring a Bullet, You Will Meet a Bullet

If You Bring a Bullet, You Will Meet a Bullet" – President Bio Issues Stern Warning to Sierra Leoneans

During the coronation of paramount chiefs in Bo City, President Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone delivered a forceful warning to the nation, emphasizing his administration's commitment to political stability and firm responses to any unrest. The ceremony, marked by traditional pomp and attended by dignitaries from across the country, became a platform for President Bio to outline his stance on security and governance.


President Bio's speech was unequivocal: “We won’t have any more elections in this country until 2028, so sit back and relax.” This declaration underscored his administration's focus on governance over the next four years, signaling a period without the distractions of electoral campaigns. His message was clear: the current government intends to concentrate on its developmental agenda without the disruption of frequent elections.


The President’s address took a hardline turn as he cautioned potential agitators against causing trouble. “But if you try to cause trouble, be prepared to face the consequences,” he warned. Intensifying his rhetoric, he proclaimed, “If you bring a bullet, you will meet a bullet.” This stark warning was directed at influential politicians whom he accused of inciting confusion among the citizens. President Bio's message underscored his administration’s readiness to respond to any attempts to destabilize the nation with equal force.


President Bio contextualized his firm stance by referencing global challenges, urging citizens to maintain stability amidst worldwide crises. “It is not only Sierra Leone facing difficulties now, the whole world is facing challenges,” he noted. He encouraged the public to “take good care of what we have and ourselves,” highlighting the importance of unity and resilience. The President cited the crisis of flooding he witnessed in Kenya, among other international issues, to emphasize that the struggles faced by Sierra Leone are part of a broader global context.


The President’s speech was a mix of reassurance and a call for unity in the face of adversity. By highlighting global challenges and urging Sierra Leoneans to value their current stability, he aimed to foster a sense of collective responsibility and resilience. The coronation of paramount chiefs, a significant cultural event, thus became a stage for President Bio to assert his vision for the country’s immediate future, emphasizing security, stability, and an unwavering stance against any form of unrest.


The President’s firm message reflects his administration’s commitment to maintaining order and continuity in governance. His call for Sierra Leoneans to cherish and protect their stability is a reminder of the delicate balance required to sustain peace and progress in the face of both internal and external challenges.

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