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  • Monday, 01 July 2024
Minister Swaray Addresses Global Community at International Labour Conference in Geneva

Minister Swaray Addresses Global Community at International Labour Conference in Geneva

Mohamed Rahman Swaray, the Minister of Employment, Labour, and Social Security of Sierra Leone, delivered a keynote address at the 112th International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. The minister highlighted the substantial progress made by Sierra Leone in promoting and implementing decent work standards through the ratification of nine International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions and one protocol.


Minister Swaray announced the establishment of a Social Protection Agency aimed at coordinating social protection responses and extending these benefits to the informal sector, in line with Convention 102. He thanked the ILO for its technical support in these efforts and noted significant advancements in implementing a national health insurance scheme, which will include persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups.


Swaray emphasized Sierra Leone's enhancement of tripartism by institutionalizing social dialogue to promote inclusive governance. This approach aims to address the challenges faced by employers, workers, and the government collectively and foster a shared understanding. The government of Sierra Leone is collaborating closely with the Sierra Leone Labour Congress and the Sierra Leone Employers Federation to formulate policies and legislation that cover all aspects of work.


The minister reiterated President Julius Maada Bio's commitment to "Human Capital Development," a flagship program focused on social justice, employment, and an improved quality of life. This program promotes food sufficiency, education, and healthcare for the citizens of Sierra Leone.


On behalf of the President and the people of Sierra Leone, Minister Swaray expressed gratitude to ILO Director-General Gilbert Houngbo for his leadership and the effective stewardship of the ILO. He also addressed the issue of Sierra Leonean migrant workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and the Middle East, supporting global calls for their fair treatment.


Sierra Leone joined the ILO in 1961, shortly after gaining independence, and has since ratified all fundamental ILO conventions, domesticating most of them. In 2021, the country took a significant step by ratifying nine ILO conventions and one protocol, reinforcing its commitment to good governance and international standards. Since becoming an ILO member, Sierra Leone has ratified a total of 44 ILO conventions and protocols, underscoring its dedication to promoting decent work standards for all its citizens.


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