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  • Monday, 01 July 2024

"Sierra Leone Government Convenes Citizens’ Dialogue Forum to Enhance Democratic Participation"

The Government of Sierra Leone, in collaboration with the National Council for Civic Education and Democracy (NaCCED), the National Commission for Democracy (NCD), and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IIDEA), supported by the European Union (EU), recently organized a pivotal two-day Citizens’ Dialogue Forum. Held from June 24th to 25th, 2024, at Freetown’s Atlantic Lumley Hotel, the forum centered on the theme ‘Consolidating Democracy by Promoting Inclusive Participation’.


Representing a diverse cross-section of stakeholders including ministries, political parties, civil society, media, faith-based organizations, academia, private sector, youth, women groups, and electoral bodies from across Sierra Leone, the Dialogue Forum critically assessed various challenges hindering inclusive citizen participation in democratic processes. Key issues identified encompassed over-centralization of service delivery, exclusion of vulnerable populations from policy formulation, institutional weaknesses, economic inequalities, the necessity for a democratic constitution safeguarding national institutions’ independence, electoral transparency, and sustainable support for war victims.


The forum concluded with strategic resolutions aimed at fostering enhanced democratic consolidation through actionable recommendations. These included urging the government to facilitate inclusive citizen engagement in the constitutional review process, expediting justice delivery and accountability mechanisms, bolstering support for political parties, civil society, and media, advocating for increased resources to empower district councils and chiefdoms, and promoting broader citizen involvement in policy formulation. Additionally, recommendations emphasized the institutionalization of dialogue sessions on democratic processes, enhancing electoral transparency, and fostering the economic empowerment of marginalized groups, particularly youth and women.


This initiative underscores Sierra Leone’s commitment to strengthening democratic governance and inclusive participation, guided by collaborative efforts among governmental, international, and civil society stakeholders. Such forums play a pivotal role in shaping national discourse and policy frameworks aimed at ensuring a more inclusive and transparent democratic system in Sierra Leone.

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