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  • Thursday, 13 March 2025
Motorbike Rider Drowns in Bumpeh Tabay River Due to Bridge Construction Delays

Motorbike Rider Drowns in Bumpeh Tabay River Due to Bridge Construction Delays

A well-known motorbike rider, Mohamed Kamara, also called Nani, tragically lost his life on September 16, 2024, while trying to cross the Bumpeh Tabay River near Mattru Jong. Kamara was traveling from Bo to Mattru Jong using a local boat when the accident occurred. His body was later recovered, and authorities are investigating the incident.


Kamara's death has deeply impacted his family, including his pregnant wife, as well as the local community. Many, such as students from the Mattru School of Nursing, depended on his services for transportation.


This tragedy underscores the dangers residents face when crossing the river, following the collapse of a 66-year-old bridge on September 1, 2022. The bridge, built in 1956, was a critical link between Bumpeh and Tikonko chiefdoms, supporting the region’s transportation and economy.


In 2023, a contract worth $8.5 million was signed to construct a new bridge, but progress has been slow, leaving locals to rely on unsafe boats. The community is urging authorities to speed up the project to prevent further accidents like Kamara's.


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