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  • Friday, 18 October 2024
Attempted Coup: Bullet Retrieved from Late Colonel's Body Presented in Court

Attempted Coup: Bullet Retrieved from Late Colonel's Body Presented in Court

As the court martial trial concerning the attempted coup in Sierra Leone progresses, new details continue to emerge. During a recent session, Detective Sergeant Issa Kamara, stationed at the exhibit office of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) headquarters, provided crucial testimony regarding the death of the late Colonel Wilfred Samai.


Detective Sergeant Kamara presented a bullet that was retrieved from Colonel Samai’s body during an autopsy examination. This significant piece of evidence was introduced by the state prosecutor, Joseph Sesay. Kamara, who oversees the registration, safekeeping, and presentation of all exhibits at the CID, confirmed that he received the bullet from Detective Inspector A.B. Kargbo on November 30, 2023. The bullet had been recorded in the court register book under serial number 1262023 and was kept in police custody until it was tendered in court as an exhibit.


During his testimony, Kamara affirmed that the bullet he presented in court was indeed the one he received. However, under cross-examination by Defense Counsel Julius Cufie, Kamara admitted he could not determine who fired the bullet. He also stated that he did not have the expertise to confirm whether the bullet was of military origin, indicating his limited involvement in the forensic aspects of the case.


This evidence adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing court martial trial, which has captured significant public and media attention. The case revolves around the attempted coup and the circumstances surrounding the death of Colonel Samai, whose demise has been a focal point in the proceedings.


The presentation of the bullet is a critical development, potentially shedding light on the events leading to the Colonel’s death. However, many questions remain unanswered, including the identity of the shooter and the origin of the bullet. The court continues to delve into these details as the trial unfolds.


### More About the Court Martial


The court martial trial is a pivotal moment in Sierra Leone’s recent history, highlighting issues of military conduct, justice, and accountability. It follows a turbulent period marked by political unrest and an alleged coup attempt. The late Colonel Wilfred Samai was a prominent figure in the military, and his death has intensified the scrutiny surrounding the trial.


As the legal proceedings continue, the testimonies of key witnesses like Detective Sergeant Kamara are crucial in piecing together the narrative of what transpired. The court is tasked with not only determining the facts but also ensuring that justice is served in a case that has far-reaching implications for Sierra Leone’s political and military landscape.


For continuous updates on this trial and other significant news, stay tuned to our comprehensive coverage.


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