European Union to release 2023 election report, raising concerns in the House of state
As the upcoming report on the 2023 European elections approaches, there is great concern in Sierra Leone's House of state.
The United States has openly expressed doubts about the legitimacy of the election and even imposed travel bans on suspected voter fraud.
Both the United States and international organizations have called on the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) to disclose detailed election results from polling stations, but ECSL has not yet responded to this request. is causing international concern. President Bio, who visited the United States to attend the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), accused the United States of intervening by demanding a delay in announcing the election results and straining diplomatic relations.
These allegations have left President Bio in a precarious position around the world, with some countries withholding his financial support pending transparent results. As the election dispute continues, the people of Sierra Leoneans are calling on the international community to hold the election riggers accountable, likening their actions to an attempted coup d'état.
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK), the United States (US), and other regional organizations, including the National Election Observation Authority (NEW), all emphasized. They deny the credibility of elections and claim that they do not reflect the will of the people. Opposition members alleged that party representatives were denied access to accurate polling place information and were prevented from participating in elections, particularly in the southeastern region.
International observers have highlighted irregularities and inconsistencies in the vote counting, painting a picture of the election results that contradicts Sierra Leoneans' desire to fight hunger amid the unrest.
Despite the serious allegations against ECSL and the government, the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) government is reportedly concerned about her upcoming EU report. There is speculation that the EU report could recommend new elections, as the June 24 results, if left uncorrected, could undermine democracy.
The public emphasizes the importance of holding election manipulators accountable and identifying them with coup plotters, which is a threat to civilian rule by the EU, UK, US and ECOWAS. This is a serious crime that should not go unnoticed.