Human Rights Group CHRDI Announces Peaceful Protest Amid University of Sierra Leone Crisis
The Campaign for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI) has made public its plans for a peaceful public protest scheduled for Monday, March 25th, 2024. Set to take place in front of the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education building in New England Ville, Freetown, the protest aims to address recent events unfolding at the University of Sierra Leone (USL).
At the heart of the protest lies CHRDI's staunch opposition to the Ministry's dissolution of the University Court, a move the organization deems legally questionable. CHRDI voices concerns that such actions set a perilous precedent, one that could undermine the rule of law, erode trust in authority figures, and compromise the integrity of the legal system.
The organization emphasizes the critical importance of established institutional structures and due process. The dissolution of the University Court without valid legal grounds raises significant red flags regarding governance, accountability, and academic freedoms within the university.
Deeply troubled by these developments, CHRDI has called for a peaceful demonstration to express solidarity and demand justice for the University of Sierra Leone. Participants are urged to conduct themselves lawfully and peacefully throughout the protest, as CHRDI stresses the importance of peaceful advocacy in addressing grievances.
Fueling the organization's resolve is the belief in the power of peaceful protest as a catalyst for positive change. CHRDI sees the protest as an opportunity to voice concerns, hold authorities accountable, and advocate for transparency and justice within the university system.
As preparations for the protest gather momentum, CHRDI calls on all concerned citizens, activists, and stakeholders to join in solidarity and support of the University of Sierra Leone. The organization underscores the importance of collective action in defending fundamental rights and upholding the principles of democracy and justice.
In the face of adversity, CHRDI remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting human rights, fostering accountability, and advocating for the rule of law. The forthcoming protest represents a pivotal moment in Sierra Leone's ongoing struggle for justice, transparency, and democratic governance within its academic institutions.