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  • Tuesday, 22 October 2024
Injured farmer recovers after successful surgery

Injured farmer recovers after successful surgery

The family of a recently seriously injured farmer in Sierra Leone provided an encouraging update on his condition on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.


In a heartfelt message shared on Facebook, the family expressed their gratitude to Almighty God for the positive turn of events. They confirmed that the injured farmer underwent successful surgery to remove the stick that caused his injury.



The accident occurred when a farmer fell from a tree while harvesting in the rural area of the district. The incident shocked the local community and raised concerns for his safety.


Fortunately, action was taken quickly and the injured farmer was immediately taken to the nearest hospital. He reportedly underwent surgery to treat the injury, which was reportedly successful.


The family will provide further information regarding Farmer's recovery as more information becomes available. We hope he makes a quick and full recovery within the next few days.



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