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  • Saturday, 27 July 2024
Papaklass Responds to Nashito Kulala’s Critique on Kao Denero’s 'Heroes' Album

Papaklass Responds to Nashito Kulala’s Critique on Kao Denero’s 'Heroes' Album

On May 23, 2024, Sierra Leonean musician Papaklass responded to recent statements made by renowned music producer Nashito Kulala regarding the production quality of Kao Denero’s latest album, "Heroes." In a Facebook post, Papaklass addressed the critique, offering his perspective on the broader implications for the Sierra Leone music industry.


Nashito Kulala had publicly criticized the mixing and mastering of the "Heroes" album, suggesting that it did not meet professional standards. While Papaklass did not entirely align himself with Kulala’s viewpoint, he emphasized the necessity of constructive criticism to foster growth in the music production landscape of Sierra Leone.


Papaklass underscored the importance of embracing production criticism to achieve higher standards in music production. He argued that for Sierra Leonean musicians to succeed on international stages, they must be willing to step out of their comfort zones and adapt to global production standards.


He highlighted a key area of concern in music production: the division of tasks. According to Papaklass, the mixing of instruments and vocals should ideally be handled separately and, if possible, by different sound engineers. This specialization ensures a higher quality of production as it allows experts to focus on their areas of strength.


Furthermore, Papaklass pointed out a prevalent issue in the industry where some producers and engineers are reluctant to allow their work to be reworked or improved by others. He described this attitude as detrimental to the industry’s growth, as it prevents collaborative efforts that could enhance the overall quality of music production.


In his concluding remarks, Papaklass emphasized the importance of musicians gaining knowledge about sound engineering in addition to honing their lyrical skills. He believes that a well-rounded understanding of both aspects can lead to better decision-making and more refined musical outputs.


Papaklass’s response reflects a broader dialogue within the Sierra Leonean music community about the standards of production and the willingness to accept and act on feedback for improvement. His comments suggest a path forward where collaboration and specialization are key to achieving excellence and gaining international recognition.


By addressing these issues, Papaklass hopes to inspire a shift in mindset among his peers, encouraging them to adopt practices that align with global standards. This, he believes, is crucial for the advancement of Sierra Leone’s music industry and its artists’ success on the world stage.


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