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  • Tuesday, 25 March 2025
Adebayor ‘s inspired shutdowns

Adebayor ‘s inspired shutdowns

The frequent shutdowns and protests in Sierra Leone are harming the economy of Sierra Leoneans. This is a serious matter that should not  being played down by the Government.  A country without stability and peaceful cannot be developed and at this point Sierra Leone hasn't these two factors under President Maada Bio.

As the frequent shutdowns and protests are growing, it also damages our economy. 

What is happening in Sierra Leone is that a state of chaos and an atmosphere of instability and insecurity have been created in the country. Nobody knows with uncertainty what might happen next. This status quo is driving away potential investors. Who would want to invest in a country that is unstable, insecure and prone to frequent disruptions of civil life ?

Because investors are not sure about Sierra Leone and many are not coming as a result of instability and uncertainties , the economy is receiving a sound whupping. The economy is seriously regressing .

Commercial activities are also being adversely disrupted and affected and importers are reluctant to commit their precious resources to bring in goods , basic commodities and services. This is responsible for the shortages of basic commodities, apart of the collapse of the Leone and the foreign exchange crunch.

The instability and insecurity in the country have also put a big dent on the Government’s aspirations to attract and develop tourism– a major source of raw cash into the economy. Tourists have long stopped coming and this is also destroying the economy, irreparably.

Whenever Adebayor hits the country with shutdowns, lockdowns and demonstrations, asinine, deceitful , inane, dimwitted and daft SLPP bloggers and sycophants try to play them down. Look here. To be successful, a demonstration or lockdown need not be massive and widespread. All they need to do is create fear, uncertainty, insecurity, and a state of instability to citizens, the business community and international investors and tourists and cause them to rethink about investing or operating in the country. Once organizers acquire a modicum of success in creating these situations of uncertainty, instability and insecurity, they have won. They have succeeded in hurting the government.

The people in the government know the consequences of these shutdowns and demonstrations and the harm being caused by Adebayor, contrary to the false and deceitful hopes being promoted by bloggers and sycophants.

Adebayor knows that he is hurting the SLPP government and he relishes it when they play down his impact and effects. Adebayor knows that if he had not been hurting the SLPP, they would not have been expending all those energies to have him arrested and deported .

The SLPP must stop living in a fool’s paradise and do what the people want so that peace, stability and security would return to the country. This is the only way out if this unpleasant quagmire. Playing down things is only worsening the Government’s unpopularity and the country’s problems.


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