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  • Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Government Launches EWASME Grant to Boost Agricultural Finance for Farmers

Government Launches EWASME Grant to Boost Agricultural Finance for Farmers

The Government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS), has introduced a groundbreaking initiative aimed at providing unprecedented financial access for farmers. This move is part of efforts to enhance and improve the Feed Salone Project, an endeavor crucial for the country's agricultural advancement.


The EWASME (Empowering Women in Agriculture through Small and Medium Enterprise) Grant Sensitization took place in Bonthe, aiming to facilitate financial access for farmers under the Feed Salone Programme. Agricultural financing has been a significant challenge for farmers aspiring to boost productivity, and this grant is seen as a critical solution to these persistent issues.


Funded by the Islamic Development Bank, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and MAFS, the EWASME grant stands out as a transformative initiative. It specifically targets women farmers, focusing on the post-harvest rice value chains, a vital sector for Sierra Leone's food security and economic stability.


To ensure the effective dissemination and proper utilization of these funds, a collaborative team from MAFS, UNDP, and RRVCP (Rural and Renewable Energy Venture Capital Partners) is currently engaging with the Madina Community in Bum Chiefdom, Bonthe District. Their mission is to educate farmers on correctly completing the application forms, thus enabling them to access the funds efficiently.


Alpha Yayah Mansaray, Director of the Agricultural Extension Services Division, emphasized the government's commitment to revolutionizing agriculture in Sierra Leone. He highlighted the EWASME grant as a pivotal element in bridging the financial gap that hinders farmers' potential. Mansaray encouraged eligible farmers, particularly women involved in small and medium enterprises within the rice value chains, to seize this opportunity. "Together, we can Feed Salone," he declared, underscoring the collective effort needed to achieve the project's goals.


This initiative is a testament to the government's proactive approach in addressing agricultural challenges and empowering women in the agricultural sector. By providing the necessary financial support, the EWASME grant aims to enhance productivity, ensure food security, and foster economic growth in Sierra Leone.


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