Parliament Warns Ministries to Stay Out of MMTU and Brookfields Hotel Land Dispute
Parliament has strongly cautioned several ministries against interfering in the ongoing land dispute between Brookfields Hotel and the Milton Margai Technical University (MMTU).
The conflict revolves around a contested piece of land that MMTU claims, but which Brookfields Hotel is attempting to reclaim. After over nine months of unresolved negotiations, tensions escalated when the Minister of Tourism, Nabeela Tunis, sought the involvement of the Chief Minister, the Vice President's Office, and the Attorney General, pushing the issue to a parliamentary committee.
In a recent joint committee meeting, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Education criticized the ministries for worsening the conflict instead of helping to resolve it. He warned that continued interference could force the committee to take more severe actions to ensure a fair outcome.
The Chairman stressed that the committee, appointed by the Speaker of Parliament, is responsible for impartially mediating the dispute in the best interests of all parties involved. He urged the ministries to refrain from taking sides and allow the committee to carry out its duties without further interference.
Committee members also advised Brookfields Hotel to avoid using political influence in the dispute, noting that changes in government could weaken their position. They recommended that the hotel engage directly with MMTU to find a mutually agreeable solution.