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  • Friday, 05 July 2024
Rowland J.V. Cole Raises Concerns Over Sierra Leone Bar Association’s AGM Conduct

Rowland J.V. Cole Raises Concerns Over Sierra Leone Bar Association’s AGM Conduct

On May 22, 2024, Rowland J.V. Cole, a distinguished legal practitioner and long-standing member of the Sierra Leone Bar Association (SLBA), formally addressed a letter to the Association's President, Ms. Michaela Swallow, raising serious concerns about the conduct of the recent Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the subsequent elections. The AGM, held on May 17-18 under Ms. Swallow’s leadership, has come under scrutiny for alleged irregularities and violations of established legal and ethical standards.


Mr. Cole, who has been a member of the Sierra Leone Bar since September 30, 1994, detailed his observations and the reports he received regarding the election process. He emphasized that the conduct of the elections fell short of the requirements stipulated in the SLBA’s memorandum and articles, as well as the Association’s established practices and the constitutional order of Sierra Leone.


In his letter, Mr. Cole highlighted several specific issues:


1. **Premature Commencement of the Meeting**: Verified reports indicate that the AGM started before the published time, without proper notice to all members. This led to confusion and a lack of transparency, as not all members were present when the meeting commenced.


2. **Unannounced Changes to the Agenda**: Arbitrary alterations to the meeting’s agenda were made without prior notification to the Association’s members. This raised concerns about the legitimacy and procedural fairness of the elections.


3. **Restrictions on Proxy Voting**: The long-standing practice of proxy voting was suddenly and inexplicably halted. This change disproportionately affected members residing outside the country, who found themselves unable to exercise their voting rights.


Mr. Cole asserted that these actions violated not only the SLBA’s internal regulations but also several constitutional rights. He referenced Section 26 of the Sierra Leone Constitution, which guarantees freedom of association, suggesting that the measures put in place during the AGM obstructed lawyers from voting freely and fully participating in the Association’s democratic processes.


Particularly concerning to Mr. Cole was the impact of these irregularities on the election of officials. He believes this process should be governed by high standards of transparency, participation, and accountability. The failure to adhere to these standards, he argued, disenfranchised a significant portion of the legal community and created an unprecedented level of chaos within the SLBA.


In his letter, Mr. Cole called on President Swallow and the SLBA executive to take immediate corrective measures. He urged them to annul the purported election results and ensure that credible, fair, and transparent elections are held. This, he stated, is necessary to uphold the integrity of the Association and to ensure that its actions reflect the collective will of its members.


Mr. Cole concluded by reminding his colleagues that adherence to the law is paramount for legal practitioners. He warned that violations of the laws governing the SLBA cannot go without consequence and stressed the importance of rectifying the situation to maintain the credibility and trust in the Association.

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