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  • Monday, 01 July 2024
Society of Social Engineers at Njala University Launches Street Campaign Against Drug Abuse

Society of Social Engineers at Njala University Launches Street Campaign Against Drug Abuse

On Friday, June 7, 2024, the Society of Social Engineers at Njala University took a significant step in the fight against drug abuse by launching a street campaign. This initiative specifically targets the widespread use of Kush, a potent synthetic drug that has become a major issue in Sierra Leone.


The primary aim of the campaign was to engage students as social engineers to explore effective methods to eradicate the pervasive issue of Kush abuse in communities and society at large. The campaign saw enthusiastic participation from students, who took to the streets to raise awareness about the dangers of Kush. They utilized informative pamphlets, engaging discussions, and visual aids to educate the public on the severe health and social consequences of Kush addiction.


The campaign was met with unwavering support from the Department of Sociology and Social Work at Njala University. Organizers expressed their gratitude to key department members, including Dr. Munu, Mr. Sesay, Mr. Maju, and Mr. Jalloh, whose relentless efforts were instrumental in the campaign’s success. Their guidance and support underscored the importance of academic and community collaboration in addressing critical social issues.


“The involvement of our students in this campaign exemplifies the role of social engineers in fostering community well-being and resilience,” remarked Dr. Munu. “It’s imperative that we continue to support such initiatives to ensure a drug-free future for Sierra Leone.”


As the Society of Social Engineers continues its efforts, this campaign marks a significant step toward raising awareness and driving community action against drug abuse. The collective determination of students and faculty at Njala University serves as a beacon of hope for tackling the scourge of Kush in Sierra Leone.


This campaign is part of a broader strategy to engage the youth and the community in proactive measures against drug abuse. By focusing on education and community involvement, the Society of Social Engineers aims to create a sustainable impact, ensuring that the message against drug abuse resonates throughout Sierra Leone.



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