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  • Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Sports Minister and Deputy Inspect Ongoing Rehabilitation Work at National Stadium

Sports Minister and Deputy Inspect Ongoing Rehabilitation Work at National Stadium

On June 4, 2024, Sierra Leone's Minister of Sports, Augusta Teima, along with the National Stadium Management team, conducted a thorough inspection of the ongoing rehabilitation work at the National Stadium. The renovations, spearheaded by Chinese contractors, aim to transform the facility into a modern, state-of-the-art venue for sports and other events.


The inspection revealed significant progress, including the installation of a new artificial turf for the football practice field and the construction of a soil track. Additionally, a new 1,500-seat aluminum alloy structure stand is being erected, along with two integrated and prefabricated simple toilets. Renovations also include the refurbishment of ball courts, the installation of new fences, and the construction of a new retaining wall. The stadium bowl itself is undergoing restoration, reinforcement, and redecoration to enhance its structural integrity and aesthetic appeal.


This comprehensive refurbishment project is expected to be completed by the end of 2024, according to an earlier statement from Yusuf Keketoma Sandi, the former Deputy Minister of Information and Civic Education. The renovation is funded by the Chinese government, continuing the historical partnership between Sierra Leone and China. The National Stadium, with a capacity of 36,000, was originally constructed by Chinese contractors in 1979 and officially opened in 1980. It has since served as the primary venue for the Sierra Leone national football team, the Leone Stars, as well as several local premier league clubs including East End Lions and Mighty Blackpool.


The stadium's last international match was an Africa Cup of Nations qualifier (AFCONQ) where the Leone Stars faced off against the Super Eagles of Nigeria. The ongoing renovations are eagerly anticipated by local football fans, who are nostalgic for the vibrant atmosphere and thrilling matches that the stadium has hosted over the years. There is a widespread hope that the upgrades will be completed on schedule, allowing the stadium to once again host major sporting events and serve as a hub for national pride and community spirit.


The enhancements to the National Stadium are part of a broader effort to elevate the standard of sports infrastructure in Sierra Leone. By providing a world-class facility, the government aims to inspire the next generation of athletes and foster a culture of excellence in sports. The upgraded stadium is expected to not only enhance the experience for players and spectators but also attract international events, boosting the local economy and promoting Sierra Leone as a destination for sports tourism.


As the renovations progress, the Ministry of Sports and the National Stadium Management remain committed to ensuring that the project meets the highest standards of quality and safety. The collaborative effort with the Chinese contractors is a testament to the strong bilateral relations and mutual commitment to development and prosperity. Once completed, the National Stadium will stand as a symbol of national pride and a beacon of hope for the future of sports in Sierra Leone.

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