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  • Saturday, 29 June 2024
MAFS Concludes Two-Day Workshop on Feed Salone Initiative Implementation

MAFS Concludes Two-Day Workshop on Feed Salone Initiative Implementation

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS) recently wrapped up a comprehensive two-day workshop in Bo on June 21, 2024, aimed at fortifying the implementation of the Feed Salone initiative through an integrated monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework.


The workshop, which commenced on June 20, 2024, focused on empowering stakeholders with essential tools to monitor progress, anticipate emerging challenges, and enhance resilience within Sierra Leone’s agricultural systems. Professor Abdulahi Jalloh, Chief Agriculture Officer, underscored the workshop's significance in ensuring transparency and data coherence across Feed Salone initiatives. He emphasized collaborative efforts with partners to maintain uniformity in data reporting and publication.


Peter Kaindaneh, representing the Presidential Initiative for Climate Change, Renewable Energy, and Food Security, highlighted the pivotal role of the Planning Evaluation Monitoring and Statistics Division (PEMSD) in economic planning. He highlighted ongoing collaborations with MAFS to oversee Feed Salone activities, stressing synergy among projects like FSRP, AVDP, RAIC, SLARI, and SCADeP in supporting national food security goals. Kaindaneh also referenced the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) as a crucial government initiative to address concerns related to Feed Salone.


Mr. Umaru Sankoh, Acting Director of PEMSD, elaborated on the workshop's outcomes, emphasizing the need for an enhanced M&E system to generate credible data and address inconsistencies within Sierra Leone's value chains. He discussed strategies for tracking project progress, aligning with partners, and effectively managing data challenges.


Dr. James Edwin, Director General of the National Monitoring and Evaluation Agency (NaMEA


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