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  • Monday, 16 September 2024
President Bio Assumes Direct Oversight of Ministry of Energy in Response to Electricity Crisis

President Bio Assumes Direct Oversight of Ministry of Energy in Response to Electricity Crisis

In a bid to tackle Sierra Leone's ongoing electricity crisis head-on, His Excellency Julius Maada Bio has made the decision to personally supervise the Ministry of Energy. This move comes in the wake of Alhaji Ibrahim Kanja Sesay's resignation as Minister of Energy, signaling a significant shift in leadership and strategy to address the pressing issue of power shortages across the nation.


The announcement, issued by the Office of the President State House, outlines President Bio's intention to take direct control of the Ministry of Energy, underscoring the seriousness with which the government views the current energy situation. To support him in this supervisory role, two Deputy Ministers have been appointed: Dr. Eldred Tunde Taylor as Deputy Minister 1, and Edmond Nonie as Deputy Minister 2.


The decision to place the Ministry of Energy under the direct purview of the President reflects a proactive approach to resolving the longstanding challenges that have plagued the energy sector, including inadequate power supply and frequent blackouts. By assuming direct responsibility, President Bio aims to expedite decision-making processes and implement effective solutions to alleviate the hardships faced by Sierra Leoneans due to power shortages.


In addition to the leadership changes, efforts are underway to address the financial strains on the energy sector. The Ministry of Finance has taken steps to reduce the outstanding debt owed to the Turkish company Karpowership, amounting to approximately US$40 million, by making a payment of US$17 million. This injection of funds aims to stabilize the financial health of the energy sector and ensure the continued provision of electricity to the population.


Furthermore, the government is actively pursuing initiatives to enhance regional cooperation in energy. A significant allocation of US$1.5 million has been made to the West Africa Power Pool Project, TRANCSCO-CLSG, enabling Sierra Leone to receive electricity supply from neighboring Ivory Coast. This strategic investment seeks to diversify the country's energy sources and improve the reliability of its power infrastructure.


As President Bio assumes direct oversight of the Ministry of Energy, supported by a team of dedicated officials, the government is committed to implementing comprehensive measures to address the electricity crisis and provide sustainable energy solutions for the people of Sierra Leone. It is a testament to the administration's unwavering dedication to improving the lives of its citizens and driving progress and development across the nation.

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